So long, Marko


Ray Bennett & Mark Schwed at Dan Tana's 1998

My friend Mark Schwed has died.

The Los Angeles Herald Examiner.
Corky’s bar at 11th and Broadway.
Dan Tana’s, Stoli rocks.
Poker nights, Marlboro Lights.
Enough laughter for a lifetime.
The best kind of newspaperman.
The best kind of friend.

Here’s the story in the Palm Beach Post:

Mark Schwed, a features and news writer for The Palm Beach Post for the past three and a half years, was found dead in his apartment Thursday. He was 52 years old.

Schwed had been in apparently good health until Monday, when he called in sick. A friend in California emailed him on Tuesday and never received a response. After two days of silence, a co-worker entered the home and found his body. A cause of death has not been determined.

“We were crushed by the news,” said Post managing editor Bill Rose. “Mark was a bright light in the newsroom, a kind and helpful soul who wrote smart stories and endeared himself to those who worked with him and, often, to those he wrote about.”

Here’s a guest book for his friends

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One Response to So long, Marko

  1. eckdahl says:

    You made it all look so gawdamn easy, Mark. Thanks for the leg up.

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